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Showing posts from October, 2022

Lies and fact twisting - the REAL 'national sport'

OK, let's get right into it, shall we? THIS is another letter to the editor that I wrote to a newpaper calling itself the "Peninsula Pulse" (the same paper that didn't publish my last letter - RIP America - 1776-2024 - , which I then posted on this blog), which was set up to compete with another paper called the "Door County Advocate" after the DCA was bought up by the corporate scumbags of GANNETT.    -------------------------------------------------------------------------------  DEEDS speak louder than words. (Submitted October 8th, 2022) To head off 'false accusations', I'm neither Democrat nor Republican. With that said, let's break down some of the insanity in past letters. GM "Democrats have been falsely accusing Republicans of supporting violence" If the accusations are false, why are there so many videos (not to mention social media posts) proving otherwise?   GM "We support free speech and religious liberty, even ...