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Lies and fact twisting - the REAL 'national sport'

OK, let's get right into it, shall we? THIS is another letter to the editor that I wrote to a newpaper calling itself the "Peninsula Pulse" (the same paper that didn't publish my last letter - RIP America - 1776-2024 - , which I then posted on this blog), which was set up to compete with another paper called the "Door County Advocate" after the DCA was bought up by the corporate scumbags of GANNETT. 



 DEEDS speak louder than words.
(Submitted October 8th, 2022)
To head off 'false accusations', I'm neither Democrat nor Republican. With that said, let's break down some of the insanity in past letters.

GM "Democrats have been falsely accusing Republicans of supporting violence"
If the accusations are false, why are there so many videos (not to mention social media posts) proving otherwise? 

GM "We support free speech and religious liberty, even if we disagree with it"
Again, there are countless videos showing people being attacked by your fellow Republicans for having a differing viewpoint.

GM "We want every law-abiding American to be able to vote"
Is that why the Republican party tried getting ALL mail-in/absentee ballots thrown out in an effort to rig the 2020 election? There were some attempts to cast fraudulent ballots and double voting, those attempts were committed by REPUBLICANS. And then there are all the incidents of voter/poll worker intimidation by REPUBLICANS.

DP "If you cut back the supply of oil, gas prices will go up."
HC "Before Biden, gas, taxes, crime, groceries, inflation and unemployment were at very low levels."
The only way Biden could control gas prices (which also affects the others) is if refineries were nationalized. High gas prices are all on the oil companies and OPEC. Also, the Saudis bought one of our biggest refineries in 2017 - when Trump was president.

DP "If you shut down 40% of the supply of baby formula in February, you’ll get a huge shortage."
So you're saying that contaminated formula should’ve been allowed to be sold?

MC "Our president, rather than uniting as promised, just gave some of the most divisive speeches ever."
Biden wasted 18 months trying to reason with MAGAs, and you pretty much gave him the 1-finger salute. He should have known better, as you've consistently proven you're too far gone to be reasoned with.

GM "if you’re tired of the divisiveness and gaslighting by the Democratic Party..."
STOP RIGHT THERE! By blaming the deeds of Republicans on Democrats, you've proven to everyone how truly deranged you are. 


NOW, I had to keep things short because the PP enforces a strict 350 word maximum. If I were to go even one word over that, they would likely use it as an excuse not to publish. However, since I didn't go over their limit, they apparently decided to get cute and do a major hatchetjob on what I wrote. Compare it to my original letter above.


Letter to the Editor: Deeds Speak Louder Than Words
By Door County Pulse, October 14th, 2022

To head off false accusations, I’m neither Democrat nor Republican. With that said, let’s break down some of the insanity in past letters.
Republicans say they are falsely accused of supporting violence. If the accusations are false, why are there so many videos (not to mention social-media posts) proving otherwise?
Republicans say they support free speech and religious liberty. Again, there are many videos showing people being attacked by your fellow Republicans for having a differing viewpoint.
Republicans say they want every law-abiding American to be able to vote. Is that why the Republican Party tried getting all mail-in/absentee ballots thrown out in an effort to rig the 2020 election? 
The Democrats say that if you cut back the supply of oil, gas prices will go up. The only way Biden could control gas prices (which also affects the others) is if refineries were nationalized. High gas prices are all on the oil companies and OPEC. Also, the Saudis bought one of our biggest refineries in 2017 – when Trump was president.
Democrats say that if you shut down 40% of the supply of baby formula in February, you’ll get a huge shortage. So you’re saying that contaminated formula should have been allowed to have been sold?
Republicans said that Biden, rather than uniting as promised, has given some of the most divisive speeches ever. Biden wasted 18 months trying to reason with MAGA Republicans, and they pretty much gave him the one-finger salute. He should have known better, as MAGA Republicans consistently prove they’re too far gone to be reasoned with.
The Republicans say that if people are tired of the divisiveness and gaslighting by the Democratic Party – stop right there. By blaming the deeds of Republicans on Democrats, you’ve proven to everyone how truly deranged you are.


I ask you, does the altered version of my letter that they published make ANY fucking sense to you - especially compared to the original???? Oh, and after running the altered version through a counter, they ALSO cut 34 words (HC "Before Biden, gas, taxes, crime, groceries, inflation and unemployment were at very low levels."), making making my response even less coherent!

Am I pissed? HELL YES!!!! I was trying one last time to get the point across to these MAGA morons, and DEBRA FITZGERALD and her crew at the Pulse FUCKED IT UP! My first thought was to just let my inner demons out to play...

But then I decided to at least give them the opportunity to avoid - shall we say - "UNPLEASANT CONSEQUENCES" by fixing things and apologizing. So I fired off a 'warning shot' in the form of THIS email to them:


Unnecessary alteration of letter to editor

So you at the Peninsula Pulse thought it would be cute to deliberately alter my letter and degrade it's meaning , huh?

I was already forced to pare it down to bare minimum in order to adhere to your inflexible, uncompromising "350 words or less - no exceptions" policy, so your unneeded editing is the straw that broke the camel's back! I've HAD IT with scumbags like you twisting people's words around and even making up complete bullshit! It's because of people like YOU that I have to wear a camera every time I go out, so I have evidence refuting the lies and twisted statements!

1 - You are going to republish it in the next edition WITHOUT your nonsensical alterations and deletion of quotes.
2 - You are going to also publish a public apology to me for your actions.



To be honest, being that "Debra" is a former employee of Gannett (A company that completely eliminated an entire department on 8 hours notice JUST BEFORE CHRISTMAS), I doubt anyone at the pulse will step up and do the right thing here. Which is why I'm posting this the day before they distribute their latest edition, as proof that my prediction about them is accurate . But hey, I gave them the opportunity to surrender without repercussions. If they're too stupid and arrogant to accept, then shit happens.

 They can't say they weren't warned, and they sure as HELL can't say they didn't do anything to deserve it, as this post shows otherwise. 

 In the past, a number of businesses and people have REALLY pissed me off with their dishonesty.

B&T tv, Nick's super value, Dollar general, Bill Patrie, Nick Huget, Dan Bloom, David Magle ...


"Can't shoot the son of a bitch, might as well have a little fun with em"


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