Trump whipped his cult into a frenzy and sent them to kill congress.
Republicans obstructed justice, preventing Trump from being held accountable. Of those actually charged in the terrorist attack on the capital, records indicate that so far most of them who entered the building with the intent of destroying shit and murding congress have been let off with nothing more than probation. PROBATION!
Trump's cult (and the GOP) continuously claim to be fighting FOR freedom, while actually fighting AGAINST it. If you looked around you would see that cold hard reality. All the signs are right there in front of you. And far too many cops are IN ON IT. If you bothered to pay attention you would have seen that in the overkill responses of cops towards people like George Floyd versus the "kid gloves" treatment of those like Kyle Rittenhouse and Payton Gendron.
But you'd rather ignore all of that in favor of focusing on some sports program or fake contest/'reality' show.
Then we have more and more MAGA white supremacists going out and shooting up malls and grocery stores - yet people automatically blame those events on GUNS, calling for bans and "GUN CONTROL" as if THAT will put an end to it.
CAN YOU BE ANY MORE IGNORANT??? I've said it countless times before (and been ignored), the problem IS NOT GUNS, the problem is our whole damned mindset here in the United States! But all of you would rather follow the herd than to think for yourselves and figure that out for yourselves.
Which leads us up to 2024, when Trump or someone he's hand picked will be installed as 'president', and America will be transformed from a democracy into an open religious dictatorship which will put even Stalin's USSR and hitler's Germany to shame. If you think it's bad now, just wait until groups like the proud boys are put on the government payroll and given official authority to do whatever they want. You'll exist solely to serve the government and their corporate donors. Hell, you're already pretty much reduced to nothing more than a source of revenue now, having to pay the government or some company for nearly everything except the air you breathe - and I have no doubt they're working on ways to make people pay for THAT as well.
WHY? Because people like YOU the reader can't be bothered to do anything more than sit on your lazy butt and whine about all these things that are happening while using the pathetic line of "I CAN'T" when asked to stand up and act. YOU are just as much at fault for these events as the GOP christian extremists.
As it is, unless you're a white christian MAN who worships Trump and votes straight republican, your rights are subservient to those that ARE. Blacks are being blocked from voting. Women are having their personal liberties stripped from them. people who are being physically assaulted wind up being arrested or shot by the cops if they defend themselves...
Which is why - when all your rights and freedoms are stripped from you - you will have DESERVED it! And don't expect people like me to come to your rescue - many of us have already decided to fade into the shadows and leave you to the fate of your own making. Why should WE stick our necks out to save YOU when YOU are too lazy to do anything for yourself, HMMM?
Why don't you try asking god or jesus or space aliens or the freaking box of froot loops in your kitchen cupboard to save you?
Oh shit, there goes the planet.
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